7 Ways to Improve Your Life in Just One Week

Hey boss babes! This week has been a crazy whirlwind but it brought this blog post idea so I guess that makes it all worth it. Today’s post is centered around ways to change your life in just one week. Sometimes I’ve wondered why it just felt like I was staying in the same place…

How to Make and Keep New Year’s Resolutions and Goals for the Year

This isn’t your typical “you need to make S.M.A.R.T. goals” post… like I learned back in 5th grade that goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely… No, this is the straight up “we all know how hard new years resolutions can be” post and here are ways you can make sure you will…

BLOG PARTY~Meet New Bloggers & Friends

Hey Guys! It is the start of a new year and that means it is that time of year where you are trying to do better than you did last year. I didn’t end up putting this in my 2017 New Year’s resolutions, but I wanted to network more and find more blogs to read….