Life Update: This is the Year of “ME”

I’ve never been a huge resolutioner, but I’ve always been a major goal maker. I practically live by goals. My planner marks the goals of each day, each week, each month, and each year. Buried in the back pages are my goals for life and when I want to reach them.

In the past months, I felt like I was making goals just to make them and that they had lost their meaning and their purpose. I actually think I recently discovered that it wasn’t the goals that were the problem, it was me. I had kind of lost my purpose and why I was and am doing the things I’m doing.

There have been very few times in my life that I wasn’t self-motivated, I think I can only name one other than this past year. During this past year, I questioned everything about my life, why I’m in the major I am, why I wanted to go into a particular career path, why I surround myself with the people I do, and why I’ve been thinking what I’ve been thinking. Let’s just say I’ve been in a major rut, I’m not even old enough to be having a quarter-life crisis, but mentally that’s where you could say I’m at.

After being in a crappy mindset for way too long, I’ve decided I don’t care what anyone else thinks, and I’m just going to do me and continue to figure out what I want to do with my life. I want to live a life full of passion and happiness, and I don’t feel like most of the world can say that. I know that life isn’t easy and there are going to be really tough times, but overall I want to be with people that make me happy and have that spark for life. I want to figure out which job will make me happy and be more than just satisfied with it.

This year I’m working on myself, and I hope everyone else does as well. That also means I will be working on my blog. The ME also stands for Madison Eran, that is both my name and the name of this blog meaning I’m working on both parts of “ME.”

I want this blog to be more real and more personal. I want you to feel like you can relate to me even when I’m not putting out super personal content. I’m also curious, what type of posts do you enjoy reading more, personal life story type posts or helpful content style posts? I’m aiming for both but I just curious.

The last thing I want to say is for any of you all who are very visual… make a lists and make goals in a way that you can see them.

This weekend I’m hoping to make a vision board for this year for all aspects of my life that I’m hoping to improve on and let me tell you, there are a lot! If you are also a visual person I highly suggest you do something along the lines of a vision board because it gives you yours “why’s” and these why’s are what will keep you going when time gets tough, and you feel like you aren’t making progress.

Thank you so much for reading. I’m sorry this is going up later than I would have liked. For some reason, I was really debating whether or not to post this and actually started writing a different post but decided I wanted and needed to post this one.

Have a wonderful day!

~Madison Eran~

Instagram // Bloglovin

12 Comments Add yours

  1. Oh look! My new favourite blog!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Madison Eran says:

      Lol that is so kind of you thank you!!!


  2. soyvirgo says:

    Lovely post Madison!
    I like posts that are personal as well as lifestyle because I like to connect with whoever I am following. Hope that makes sense!
    Good luck this year! Good luck on working on making this year about u, im def going to be doing the same hehe ♡

    — Kiki |

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Madison Eran says:

      I’m glad you can agree! Did you ever think more about Arbonne’s business side?


      1. soyvirgo says:

        Yes! actually it seems kinda different than what i thought it would be so i lost interest :/
        But im glad u informed me abt it, it seems interesting! But not for me lol

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Madison Eran says:

          What did you think it was if you don’t mind me asking?


          1. soyvirgo says:

            I thought i would just be talking to people online but not really about a physical product, u know? I dont think i would be good with that sort of thing 🤔

            Liked by 1 person

          2. Madison Eran says:

            You don’t have to have a the physical product or an in person business, if you want to your entire business can be online!

            Liked by 1 person

          3. soyvirgo says:

            ohh i see. I guess i need more info on it then lol


          4. Madison Eran says:

            Feel free to ask questions!


          5. Madison Eran says:

            I get what you mean though!


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