My 2024 Word & Theme for the Year: Abundance

Throughout the last several years, I have pick out a word that I want to embody my desired theme for my year. Last year’s word was exploration and I truly couldn’t have picked a better word as my life began an entirely new chapter. A chapter filled with so much change and exploration of not only…

My 2023 Word/Theme of the Year: Exploration

A couple of years ago I was asked to define what I wanted my word of the year would be. This word would embody what I wanted for the year or the overall theme of the year. In 2022, my word of the year was gratitude as I had found that I had slipped into…

My New Years Goals For 2020

It’s that time of year again! I am not one of those people that only makes New Years goals and then forgets about them. I am an extremely goal oriented person, maybe even to a fault, and so I have goals for each month and even things I want to accomplish each day. I will…

Getting Back on Track ~Making Progress and Overcoming Shortfalls~

This probably seems quite ironic coming from the person who hasn’t posted on here since spring and newsflash to everyone that hasn’t visited their local coffee shop, the fall drinks are out, so that must mean its fall! The truth is, I have wrote posts but they didn’t really feel like they were “me” or…

I OVER PROMISED and Here is My Apology

I am an open book with everyone in my life and I’m probably one of the most downright truthful, even when it hurts, type of person. I am beyond straightforward and honest with other people, but it seems as though it can’t be honest with myself… I am saying this right here and right now…

March Blogging Goals

I’m not gonna lie, February was a rough month for my blogging goals, I don’t think I even hit one of my goals for last month. School got into the full swing of things and I didn’t stay at my apartment any of the weekends in February which is typically when I like to write…

7 Ways to Improve Your Life in Just One Week

Hey boss babes! This week has been a crazy whirlwind but it brought this blog post idea so I guess that makes it all worth it. Today’s post is centered around ways to change your life in just one week. Sometimes I’ve wondered why it just felt like I was staying in the same place…


I was going to post something completely different today, but I felt like I need a reminder to be more grateful lately. If I needed a reminder, then it sure couldn’t hurt to also remind you all to be more grateful to right? Things don’t always go as planned in life, but that doesn’t mean…