I OVER PROMISED and Here is My Apology

I am an open book with everyone in my life and I’m probably one of the most downright truthful, even when it hurts, type of person. I am beyond straightforward and honest with other people, but it seems as though it can’t be honest with myself… I am saying this right here and right now…

March Blogging Goals

I’m not gonna lie, February was a rough month for my blogging goals, I don’t think I even hit one of my goals for last month. School got into the full swing of things and I didn’t stay at my apartment any of the weekends in February which is typically when I like to write…

Life Update: This is the Year of β€œME”

I’ve never been a huge resolutioner, but I’ve always been a major goal maker. I practically live by goals. My planner marks the goals of each day, each week, each month, and each year. Buried in the back pages are my goals for life and when I want to reach them. In the past months,…

25 Motivational Quotes to Start the Year Off Right

You might have picked up on this by now, but I am a HUGE quote person. I believe they have the power to change your mood, your attitude, your day, and even your life if you believe in them. If you find a quote that really resonates with then you won’t be able to get…

Life Update

Long time no post… sorry about that one. My life had gotten way out of control recently. I am usually pretty good about managing my time and having balance in my life, but this month is just a month of hardcore grinding. I’m talking up at 6-7 and going to bed around 1-3 in the…

The Power of β€œI want to see…”

I feel like all I’ve been writing and posting is surface level stuff that doesn’t really do anything other than satisfy the need to scroll through a few pictures or personal opinions. Don’t get me wrong I still enjoyed writing those posts and the content they were about because that’s who I am and that’s…

Motivational Videos

I seriously love motivational videos with every bone in my body. If I am just feeling down and lazy my go-to is a motivational video. This summer has been very busy and had been a lot of just pounding it out day after day after day. I enjoy it, but sometimes you just hit a…