The Christmas Tag

I love Christmas, it’s my favorite holiday by far and it’s not the gifts if that’s what you are thinking. I love the Christmas spirit, everyone seems to be happier around this time of year and it’s when people get to see family they haven’t in a while. It’s also a time where decorations are plentiful and generosity is abundant.

I love Christmas so what’s could be more appropriate than doing the Christmas tag? Not to mention I have two finals tomorrow, two finals the day after that, and a 5th final the day after that so today’s post had to be something I could do kind of quick in between studying. Sorry not sorry that’s college life for ya.

Let’s get this thing started!

1. What’s your favorite holiday movie?

Starting out with a hard one, that’s cool. This is really hard for me because I grew up watching so many holiday and specifically Christmas movies and I associate each movies with different memories. One of my favorites is Family Vacation though because my moms side of the family and my family would get together the day after Christmas and watch it together. Most of the time this included hot chocolate and homemade cookies, candy, and fudge my grandmother and I had made together. We still watch this movie sometimes but life happened and we haven’t make the desserts in while. Nonetheless it is still one of my favorite movies.

2. What are your favorite Christmas colors?

Ummm all of them? Literally anything that makes it feels like Christmas I’m down for. I love the reds, greens, whites, silvers, and golds with some light blue sprinkled in. I associate these specific colors with Christmas but if I had to pick favorite colors those would be it. This is my person opinion, but if don’t correctly all of these colors can be present in your place and still look like a Christmas winter wonderland.

3. Do you like to stay in your pjs or dress up for Christmas?

So, this is a two sided question for me because with my direct family we just wear appropriate pjs (aka not the pjs I actually sleep in because lord knows I’d be on the naughty list if I wore that to Christmas and in pictures, like I don’t really own pj pjs, anybody else with me?). For Christmas at my grandparents’s houses though we get dressed up.

4. If you could only buy one person a present this year, who would it be?

I love my parents dearly, but I would honestly have to say my boyfriend. This has been a rough year and especially a rough semester and he has been there with me through all of it. I really don’t know how he is still around with some of the breakdowns I’ve had. PSA people, life can be hard sometimes and I think we need to be honest about that!

5. Do you open your presents Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?

Christmas morning all the way!

6. Have your ever built a gingerbread house?

So I have homemade a gingerbread house with my dad once and that was an experience let me tell you. That sh*t is hard. Since then, I’ve just made gingerbread houses from the kits which is so much easier and more enjoyable.

7. What would you like to do on on Christmas break?

I would like to spend time with my family since I’m away at college most of the year but what I’m actually doing is working. I’ll still be home and get to spend time with them at night hopefully when I’m not doing my winter class. I would also like to read a few non-school related books since I’m actually a huge reader but I just simply don’t have the time during college.

8. Any Christmas wishes?

Just for my friends and family to stay safe and healthy and have a merry Christmas.

9. Favorite Christmas smell?

A Christmas tree my farrrrrr. I love the smell so much I buy a little Charlie Brown tree to put in my room when I get home.

10. Favorite Christmas meal or treat?

My uncles ham will always be one of my favorite meals.

Thanks for reading and I hope you have a wonderfully holiday season!

~Madison Eran~

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4 Comments Add yours

  1. SaRitzy says:

    Such nice answers! Loved it! xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Just M.E. says:

      Thank you so much for reading!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. That Christmas tree is so pretty!! This blog post gave me all the festive vibes x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Just M.E. says:

      Thank you so much! We usually have between 2-3 live Christmas trees in my house and that is our main one!


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