20 Free or Budget-Friendly Date Night Ideas

These days simply going out to dinner can just be budget breaking quite frankly. Additionally, for all of my other small-town dwellers out there you often run out of new places to eat rather quickly or have even sampled your way through the menu. So, for all of my couples wanting to be more budget…

Healthy & Wholesome Habits to Improve Your Life

Have you been looking for new healthy, wholesome, and beneficial habits to start incorporating into your life then keep on reading! Creating wholesome habits is a wonderful way to improve your health, your happiness, and your whole life. While we all have a lot on our schedules and just a lot going on in life…

Health + Wellness + Overall Wholesome YouTube Channels to Watch

You are what you consume whether this is nutrition or media related, so might as well make sure you are consuming wholesome and beneficial content. I am a self-proclaimed YouTube fanatic. In fact, I don’t pay to watch any streaming services and primarily use YouTube as my go-to source of entertainment. Why do I tell…

15 YouTubers I Watch For Motivation and Inspiration

I have watched YouTube since way back when I was in middle school when both watching YouTube for lifestyle content was not as common and the desire to be a “YouTuber” was even more of a rarity. I’ve loved YouTube for nearly a decade and have even considered making videos because I just love the…

How I Spent 2-ish Days on Tybee Island, Georgia

This year my fiance and I took a trip to Tybee Island, Georgia for spring break. This wasn’t the most normal trip however, because the Coronavirus caused some shops to close, us to take extra precautions, and eventually caused us to come home four days early. Normally you couldn’t catch me sitting down unless it…

A Day at the Speed Art Museum in Louisville, Ky

A little known fact about me is that I really enjoy art. So while I was on winter break from college my boyfriend and I took a trip to the Speed Art museum because if you didn’t know this, Sunday’s are free until sometime in March of 2019. So I highly suggest you check it…

The Power of “I want to see…”

I feel like all I’ve been writing and posting is surface level stuff that doesn’t really do anything other than satisfy the need to scroll through a few pictures or personal opinions. Don’t get me wrong I still enjoyed writing those posts and the content they were about because that’s who I am and that’s…

20 Things I’ve Learned After 2 Years at College

It is right about that time of year where almost all colleges are back in session or are at least very close to it. When I came in as a freshman I wouldn’t say I was naive about what college would be like but there are certainly some tips that I wish someone would have…